Your membership agreement requires a 5-Day Written Notice. You are responsible for all fees until your cancellation is effective. You will continue to be billed until your cancellation has been approved and processed. Cancellations will NOT be processed if your membership account has a balance. Click below to download and print form.
Cancellation Form must be dropped off at the front desk or mailed via USPS certified letter to the address provided below. Any cancellation not sent via certified letter or not handed to the front desk staff directly, will not be accepted as received. No exceptions. Once your membership is cancelled, you will receive a verification text message to provided cell phone number. Please, make sure we have your correct contact information.
Paid in full memberships do not require cancelation. Paid in full memberships are not refundable or transferrable.
Cancellations are NOT accepted via email, phone, or verbal communication.
Membership Cancellation Request Form
Please mail Cancellation Requests to:
Utopia Fitness
Attn: Cancellation Department
6798 Shallowford Rd
Lewisville, NC 27023